Tournament and Travel Permission
In order for a team to play an exhibition game and/or travel the AMHA is required to provide tournament and/or travel permission. Permission will only be granted to teams in good standing with the Association and PCAHA. Applications for tournaments and travel will only be processed if received complete. Incomplete applications will not be accepted and it will be the duty of the Team, Manager, or Volunteer making the application to resubmit when application is complete.
In an effort to streamline the tournament permission process, eliminate unnecessary emails, make this an efficient administrative process and most importantly ensure our teams have been properly approved for tournament travel teams will require a permission letter from the AMHA's Executive Director and/or President. In order to attain tournament travel permission for exhibition games and/or tournaments, the process is as follows:
Please fill out and submit the form below:
**You will be required to receive a tournament permission number, or exhibition game numbers from your league manager.
a) If you are traveling out of Province or to the USA, fill out the Out of Province and USA Tournament Travel Form
b) If you are traveling outside of PCAHA for any Tournaments or Exhibition Games, fill out the Interdistrict Travel form
c) If you are participating in a tournament within PCAHA, you only require a tournament permission number, or exhibition game numbers from your league manager.
Once all the above information is submitted for the out of district tournament, the AMHA review your application provide you with a permission letter, and submit the necessary paperwork to the appropriate governing body and copy you on the submission. After submission has taken place it will be the responsibility of the Team Official to follow up with PCAHA for approval, not the AMHA.