Thank you AMHA players, families and friends, for your support and participation in this season’s successful Association-wide Raffle fundraiser! The two month process went smoothly, thanks to all 47 Team Managers and Fundraising Coordinators. We have such fantastic volunteers!
The Raffle Draw took place last night. You can view the video of our draw on the AMHA Facebook page. Here are the winners!
5th Prize – Nintendo Switch Bundle: Fred Grewal
4th Prize – Entertainment Package – 2 Gord Bamford tickets, 2 Cirque du Soleil tickets & Cactus Club gift card: Tami Nicholson
3rd Prize – Canucks Night Out – 2 Alumni Suite tickets & Sandman Hotel gift card: Lisa Byers
2nd Prize – $1,000 Visa gift card: Jeanette Bollinger
1st Prize – $5,000 travel voucher from Carlson Wagonlit travel: Carmen Hollett
I will contact the winners and arrange pick-up of prizes. Congratulations!
The player who won 50% off their base AMHA Registration for 2020-2021 is Andrew Schotts, who sold a remarkable 8 extra ticket books! Way to go Andrew!
The Team who won a year-end pizza party and ice time is PeeWee C5, who oversold by 65.3%! Way to go Team!!
Contact to arrange
There were 30 players who sold more than their required booklet of tickets. We entered all 30 into a draw for 4 runners-up prizes:
1. Caspian Webber – Novice Major C1
2. Shaeden Deol – Initiation Major C1
3. Grayer Doerksen – Atom C6
4. Marcus Liden – Initiation Minor C2
You will be contacted to arrange pick-up of prizes.
Congratulations winners! And a HUGE thank you to all who participated!