Hello U18 REP Families!!!

Hope everyone is gearing up and getting ready for another great hockey season!!!

Our Head Coaches for U18, are as follows:

  • U18 A1 Head Coach Jon Djekic
  • U18 A2 Head Coach TBD


Rep Tryouts this year are going to be as follows:

  • Goalie evaluations, 
  • Skills session,
  • Balanced scrimmage,  
  • A/B games,
  • Round robin games with neighboring associations. (Hosted by Langley) 

Skills session will consist of technical skating, puck handling, shooting and passing drills. In addition there will be some angling and checking focused drills.

Balance Scrimmage is a balanced game to help evaluate game play before making three U18 Tryout games. Teams will be balanced using skills session evaluation scoring. As close as possible, an equal number of forward, defense and goaltenders will be placed on each of these teams. 

The dates below are for your planning purposes. Players will be assigned specific times alphabetically for Skills sessions.

U18 - Tryouts start Monday August 26th, 2024 at MSA 

Please click on the link below for Player and Goalie Skills Groups

U18 Goalie Evaluations

  • Monday Aug 26th  8:00-9:45pm @ MSA


Skills Sessions are listed below 

  • Tues. Aug 27th Group 1 Skills 8:15-9:15pm @ MSA
  • Tues. Aug 27th Group 2 Skills 9:30-10:30pm @ MSA

Balanced Games click on the link below 

U18 A1/A2 Balanced Scrimmage Groupings

  •  Wed. Aug 28th 7:15-8:30pm @ MSA

U18 Tryouts

Please click on the link below for tryout groups

U18 A1/A2 Tryout Groups

  • Thurs Aug 29th 7:15-8:30pm @ MSA
  • Fri Aug 30th 2:00-3:15pm @ MSA
  • Sat Aug 31st 2:00-3:15pm @ MSA

Please pick up your red and black hockey socks when you return your jersey into the green bins in the lobby at MSA.

Team Practice

  • To be confirmed

Round Robin Weekend - September 06-08th @ Langley

  • Games and Times TBA


As per every year, we need parents to volunteer!!!

  • The volunteer schedule is available on the website under the Rep Tryout tab.
  • Each division has their respective tab. Under each tab you will find volunteer positions that are available for goalie evaluations, skills sessions, balanced scrimmage and Intersquad games.
  • Please take a minute to fill out a space or two! 
  • Volunteers who are in the dressing rooms or HCSP, must have their criminal record checks and respect in sport completed prior to the tryout weekend.
  • Please click on the link to sign up for a volunteer spot.  

2024 Rep Try Out Volunteers

Rep Tryout Guidelines

  • The Rep Tryout Guidelines outline the process for the rep evaluation period. Please take the time to read these guidelines to inform you and your child about the process. 
  • See the following link for the Rep Try Out Guidelines. 
  • Rep Tryout Guidelines AMHA 2024-2025

24-hour rule

  • Rep Tryouts can be a stressful and emotional time for families. If at any point during the process you are upset with an individual or decision, please abide by the 24-hour rule before sending an email or having a conversation. 

Additional Information

  • Players will need to arrive no more than 30 minutes before their scheduled ice time with all their gear.
  • No helmet stickers or pants shells are to be worn during Rep Tryouts.
  • No spring league affiliation.
  • A Jersey will be assigned to you on Monday August 26th for the goalie sessions and August 27th for players skill groups for the purpose of evaluations. Players will keep the jersey that has been assigned to them for inter-squad games. If a player shows up to any ice time without their assigned jersey, they may not be assigned a new jersey and will not be permitted on the ice. If this occurs, the player may receive a zero for their evaluation for that day. Players will hand in their assigned jerseys on the final day of rep tryouts Saturday August 31st  into the green bins located in the lobby at MSA after the final game.
  • As well please pick up your red and black hockey socks when you return your jersey.
  • If the player has been released before Wednesday, please make arrangements to drop the jerseys off at the rink or reach out to Jamie Young, U18 Division director at u18@abbotsfordminorhockey.ca

Goalie Shooters Needed

  • Shooters for U18 will need to have played on U18 A1 OR U18 A2 last season.
  • If you are a 1st year U18 player you will need to have been on the U15 A1 team to be able to be a shooter. If not enough players are available U15 A2 players who played last season will be offered spots.
  • Will need 5 shooters for the division
  • Shooters need to arrive 30 minutes before ice time and dress in full gear
  • Monday August 26th 8:00-9:45pm at MSA
  • Please click on the link and add your player to the appropriate division if interested:

If you have questions please reach out to the following as needed: 

U18 Division Director - Jamie Young at U18@abbotsfordminorhockey.ca

Rep Facilitator -Joe Pereira at reptryouts@abbotsfordminorhockey.ca

VP2 - Craig Carlson at VP2@abbotsfordminorhockey.ca